The first round ends, Occitan v. Pycheko ending with 1 Occitan win, 2 Pychekan wins.
Captain Ketaryna Zygboyum vs. Frau Audris Koenigs -- Koenigs win, Ketaryna dies despite healer's effort.
Buricyzka Private Dmitri Pavel vs. Rudolf Scheiner -- Pavel win, Scheiner suffers head trauma.
Corporal Pyotr Yfrets vs. Herr Dietrich von Helmutz -- Yfrets win, Helmutz dies.
The next step in the event will be Sanctimonia v. Sida.
Note that the Magic, Guns, and Swordsmanship contestants for Sanctimonia are still open. If your character is not the best at any of these, you might be PK'd. But the rewards are plentiful!